Koealoeh Leidong, Membang Moeda, Negara Republik Indonesia, 1947-1948

May 2008

By Rob Huisman

During the Dutch colonial rule in the Netherlands Indies, Membang Moeda was one of many large rubber plantations, occupying an area of 3.104 ha. It was owned by the Dutch “NV Rubber Cultuur-Mij. Amsterdam” and produced approximately 1.3 million kilo’s of rubber in 1938. Membang Moeda was situated about 50 km south of the city of Kisiran, in the administrative division Asahan, district of Laboehan Batoe, subdistrict Koealoeh Leidong, part of the Sumatra East Coast residency (Sumatera Timor). Membang Moeda was connected to the Deli railroad and had it’s own railway station. The Deli Railroad Company started in 1883 with building a railroad from Laboehan Deli to Belawan. Step by step the railroad was extended throughtout the residency and the last trajectory from Kisiran to Rantauprapat was finished in 1937, connecting Membang Moeda to the network.

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